
Honesty is Hard to Come By

I have been thinking alot lately about relationships and the kinds of relationships I foster. I have come to the conclusion that developing genuine relationships is one of the most spiritual things that we can do. Think about it for a minute. When we are developing an honest, open, genuine relationship we are doing so with a human being, created in the very image of God. How many times have we prayed and not had our hearts into it? How many times have we sung worship songs and not meant a word of it? It is impossible to really initiate, develop and nurture a genuine, honest relationship with another human being and not be engaging the God of the universe.

This was the topic of discussion for our weekend gathering last week. We talked about how we have a tendency to develop relationships for selfish reasons. For me it is about giving...Earning the right to speak into someone's life...Wanting to help them. This is a VERY one sided relationship because for me I am developing not a true relationship but a dependent. NOT HEALTHY.

After I got done sharing I asked everyone to talk about where they are in the area of relationships and what God was speaking to them as to what they need to do in response to where they are.

The honesty was astounding. I have never been in a church service where people are so open and honest. It was truly breathtaking. It made me think: why are churches havens for fakeness? Why do we set up systems whereby people are not only allowed to be fake but most of our actions lead them to be so?

What would the American church look like if more pastors would just get up in front of their congregations and say, "So I have been pretty fake. Who you see on Sunday mornings is not who I really am." I think we would become a place of healing and safety that would change the world...

Just a thought.


At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best driving game Chris Cochran is Burn Out.Every Tuesday is me and my friend Jim game dayI We don't have to work,so that the fun day .. Anyway Burn Out Revenge is a total blast to play. So if you haven't played get Honesty is Hard to Come By. Anyway take care also visit my site nintendo game systems .Well my playstation is calling got to go!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

From time amlodipine to time he scanned shore and river for familiar points of interest--some remembered snag that showed the tip of one gnarled branch.. I did not recognize tramadol you at once.. While all eyes were fastened upon him this inglorious ambassador bolted forth his message: Yo' ma say--his eyes were fixed upon Abner--ef yo' don' norvasc come home, she gwine come after yo'--an' cut yo' into inch pieces wid a rawhide when she git yo'...

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Director321 said...

Your homepage says that you aspire to be on national TV. Just to let you know - you have been (well, at least your name has been). Actually, I have been, and we have the same name, so, if you speak in the third person, then you speak the truth when you say, "Chris Cochran has been on national TV!"

-another Chris Cochran, from TV land


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